Found 1563 results
Declarative algebra and continuous query language for biomedical stream processing in fetal monitoring system. Pro-ceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS. :3175–3178.
2004. Developing an Internet XML application exploiting directory services. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 16:135–149.
2004. Diffusion Approximation as a modelling tool in congestion control and performance evaluation, tutorial. Proc. of HET-NETs '04, Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogenous Networks.
2004. dxhdf5: A Software Package for Importing HDF5 Physics Data into OpenDX. Computer Physics Communications. 164:365–369.
2004. Flow Graphs - a New Paradigm for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Proceedings. :147–153.
2004. The Hive Network and its Routing Algorithm. Archives of Theoratical and Applied Informatics. 16:171–179.
2004. Improvement of synchronisation and load balancing for dsim simulator. EuroNGI First Workshop on New Trends in Modelling, Quantitative Methods and Measurements.
2004. Inference rules and decision rules. :102–108.
2004. Interacyjna metoda integracji sceny przestrzennej z wykorzystaniem grafów struktury. Materiały konferencyjne VIII Krajowa Konferencja Robotyki. :157–158.
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2004. A Markov Chain Model of Optical Packet Formation: Solution Process Acceleration with Parallel Computing. Proc. Euro-NGI Workshop on New Trends in Modelling, Quantitative Methods and Measurements.
2004. Markovian models for long-range dependent traffic, new results. Proc. of First Workshop on New Trends in Modelling Quantitave Methods and Measurements, in Modelling Quantitave Methods and Measurements, Zakopane, 27-29 June 2004. :213–228.
2004. Model of the oculomotoric system for diagnosis of Squint. International Workshop on Biometric Technologies: Special Forum on Modeling and Simulation.
2004. Nano and quantum systems of informatics. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Science. 52:1–10.
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2004. Pozyskiwanie informacji o scenie 3D z zastosowaniem aktywnego stereowidzenia. Polska Akademia Nauk Działalność Naukowa wybrane zagadnienia. :81–84.
2004. Random Simulation of the Nanostructures Conformations. Proceedings Volume I, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control Technology. :388–393.
2004. Selforganization in nanosystems of informatics. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 16:311–320.
2004. Self-similarity of network traffic and the performances of QoS mechanisms. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 16:337–349.