Found 1565 results
2006. .
2006. .
Packet Loss Analysis in Optical Packet-Switched Networks with Limited Deflection Routing. Photonic Network Communications.
2006. .
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2006. .
2006. A semiglobal binarization method for embedded environments.. Theoretical and Applied Informatics, vol 18, No. 3/2006, pp 201-212.
2006. Some contributions to the modelling the dynamics of (TCP,UDP)/RED flows over reliable and unreliable connections. Proceedings from HET-NETs 2006.
2006. System for facial tissue reconstruction based on dowel method. Medical Informatics & Technology. :383–387.
2006. Systems of Informatics of the Direct Materials Production. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 18:3–14.
2006. .
2006. TCP/IP dynamics in wireless environment, a fluid-flow model. Third Workshop on Wireless and Mobility.
2006. Traffic prediction with adaptive filters. Materiały konferencyjne HET-NETs '06.
2006. .
2006. 3D head surface scanning techniques for orthodontics.. Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies. 9:123–130.
2005. Analysis of fGn and http requests traces using localized multiscale H parameter estimation. Symposium on Applications & The Internet.
2005. The application of 3D surfaces scanning in the facial features analysis. Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies. 9:233–240.
2005. Badania symulacyjne algorytmu nadążnego harmonogramowania produkcji. IX Szkoła komputerowego wspomagania projektowania, wytwarzania i eksploatacji.
2005. .
2005. Description and visualisation of quantum circuits with XML. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 17
2005. A diffusion approximation model of an electronic-optical node. LNCS, Formal Techniques for Computer Systems and Bisiness Proesses. :187–199.
2005. Distribution of the First Buffer Overflow Time in a Deterministic Service Time Queue. Proc. Of 10-th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications.
2005. The Efficiency of Using Functors with the C++ Standard Template Library. Pingwinaria 2005.
2005. .