Found 1556 results
Computer system for the analysis of facial features based on 3d surface scans.. Medical Informatics and Technology. :377–382.
2006. Computer System for the Registration and Fusion of Multimodal Images for the Purposes of Orthodontics. Journal of Medical Informatics and Technologies.
2006. Dynamics of TCP/IP flows in presence of various AQM algorithms, a fluid flow approximation model. Third EuroNGI Workshop on New Trends in Modelling, Quantitative methods and Measurements.
2006. .
2006. An effective edge–directed frequency filter for removal of aliasing in upsampled images. Machine Graphics & Vision vol 15, No 3/4, 2006, pp 585-598.
2006. .
2006. Image retrieval for the WWW. Computational Imaging and Vision. 32
2006. Intelligent feature extraction in fetal heart rate signal. Proc. of XI Conference on Medical Informatics and Technologies, pp 121-126.
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2006. The Markov chain model of RED active queuing management algorithm. Proceedings from HET-NETs 2006.
2006. Methods of reducing the number of synchronisation messages for event-driven simulation. Theoretical and Applied Informatics.
2006. Metody reprezentacji informacji strukturalnej w dokumentach multimedialnych. Sieci Komputerowe, Zakopane.
2006. A model of TCP flows dynamics. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 18:279–292.
2006. Model of the oculomotoric system for diagnosis of Squint. Proceedings of the XI International Conference Mecical Informatics & Technology MIT 2006. :193–198.
2006. Network traffic prediction with kernels. 3rd EuroNGI Workshop on New Trends in Modeling, Quantitative Methods and Measurements.
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2006. Packet Loss Analysis in Optical Packet-Switched Networks with Limited Deflection Routing. Photonic Network Communications.
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2006. A semiglobal binarization method for embedded environments.. Theoretical and Applied Informatics, vol 18, No. 3/2006, pp 201-212.
2006. Some contributions to the modelling the dynamics of (TCP,UDP)/RED flows over reliable and unreliable connections. Proceedings from HET-NETs 2006.