
Found 1563 results
Gawron P, Klamka J, Miszczak J, Winiarczyk R.  2010.  Extending scientific computing system with structural quantum programming capabilities. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences. 58:77–88.
Grzymkowski R, Wituła R..  2010.  Funkcje zespolone i transformacja Laplace`a w przykładach i zadaniach.
Rataj A.  2010.  Genetic programming using adaptable stochastic flow of control. Theoretical and Applied Informatics, vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 261-272; 2010.
Skabek K, Francki M., Winiarczyk R.  2010.  Implementation of the View-Dependent Progressive Meshes for Virtual Museum. Conference on Human System Interaction, HIS’2010, Rzeszów.
Skabek K, Winiarczyk R, Francki M..  2010.  Implementation of the View-Dependent Progressive Meshes for Virtual Museum. Konf. HSI IEEE 2010. :331–336.
Błachowicz T, Ehrmann A, Tillmanns A., Stebliński P., Pawela Ł.  2010.  Magnetization reversal in magnetic half-balls influenced by shape perturbations. Journal of Applied Physics. 108:123906.
Winiarczyk R, Sochan A.  2010.  Metodyka detekcji zastosowania modulacji dwufazowej na nośnikach DVD+.
Czachórski T, Grochla K, Nycz T., Pekergin F.  2010.  Modeling the IEEE 802.11 Networks MAC Layer Using Diffusion Approximation. Proceeding of HET-NETs 2010. :429–442.
Grzymkowski R.  2010.  Nieklasyczne metody rozwiązywania zagadnień przewodzenia ciepła.
Gawron P.  2010.  Noisy quantum Monty Hall game. Fluctuation and Noise Letters. 9:9–18.
Romaszewski M, Opozda S.  2010.  Optimization of a Vector Quantizer's Quality for 3D Mesh Applications. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 22:131–140.
Józefiok A, Czachórski T, Grochla K.  2010.  Performance evaluation of multiuser interactive networking system. Proceedings of 6th International Conference HET-NETs 2010. :223–231.
Nowak S, Domańska J, Nowak M, Głomb P.  2010.  Progressive 3D meshes transmission: traffic generating and simulation evaluation. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 22:247–259.
Tomaka A A, Luchowski L.  2010.  Purpose of cephalometric computations in craniofacial surgery. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences. 58:403–407.
Nowak M, Pecka P.  2010.  QoS management for multimedia traffic in synchronous slotted-ring OPS networks. Proc. of HET-NETs 2010 Conference. :143–152.
Gawron P, Puchała Z, Miszczak J, Skowronek Ł., Życzkowski K.  2010.  Restricted numerical range: A versatile tool in the theory of quantum information. J. Math. Phys.. 51:102204.
Gardas B.  2010.  Riccati equation and the problem of decoherence. J. Math. Phys.. 51:062103. (411.64 KB)
Nowak S, Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T.  2010.  Simulation models of fair scheduling for the TCP and UDP streams. HET-NETs 2010.
Nowak M, Pecka P.  2010.  Smart Spaces and Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking. Third Conference on Smart Spaces, ruSMART 2010, and 10th International Conference, NEW2AN 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6294
Stpiczyński P, Potiopa J..  2010.  Solving a Kind of BVP for ODEs on heterogeneous CPU + CUDA-enabled GPU Systems. International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology. :349–353.
Tillmanns A., Weber M.O, Błachowicz T, Pawela Ł, Kammermeier T..  2010.  Textile Magnets as Base for Micromagnetic Simulations. ECCM 2010 IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.
Romaszewski M, Głomb P.  2009.  3D Mesh Approximation Using Vector Quantization. Advances in Soft Computing. 57/2009:71–78.
Romaszewski M, Opozda S, Głomb P.  2009.  3D Mesh Identification Using Random Walks and Hidden Markov Models. Image Processing & Communications Challenges. :302–308.
Grochla K, Sochan A.  2009.  Adaptive Streaming of Stereographic Video. Computer Networks – Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer. 39:87–94.
