prof. Sami Erol Gelenbe Email: Orcid ID: 0000-0001-9688-2201Stanowisko: profesorZespół badawczy Zespół Modelowania, Oceny Efektywności i Bezpieczeństwa Systemów Komputerowych Horizontal TabsPublikacje Biblio RSS Submitted 1. Gelenbe, E., and M. Nakip, "Associated Random Neural Networks for Collective Classification of Nodes in Botnet Attacks", arXiv, Submitted. (1.86 MB) In Press 2. Nasereddin, M., M. Nakip, and E. Gelenbe, "Deep Learning Intrusion Detection and Mitigation of DoS Attacks", 32nd International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS24), Krakow, Poland, IEEE, In Press. (2.84 MB) 3. Nasereddin, M., and E. Gelenbe, An Examination of IoT Network Layers Security, In Press. 4. Kuaban, G. Suila, T. Czachórski, E. Gelenbe, P. Pecka, V. Nkemeni, and P. Czekalski, "Energy performance of Internet of Things (IoT) networks for pipeline monitoring", The 20th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference: IEEE, In Press. 2024 5. Nakip, M., B. Can Gül, and E. Gelenbe, "Decentralized Online Federated G-Network Learning for Lightweight Intrusion Detection", Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation On Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS): IEEE, 2024. (1.06 MB) 6. Nakip, M., and E. Gelenbe, "Online Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 19, 05/2024 . (6.97 MB) 7. Kuaban, G. Suila, E. Gelenbe, T. Czachórski, and P. Czekalski, "Modelling the Energy Performance of Off-Grid Sustainable Green Cellular Base Stations", 31st International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2023): IEEE, 2024. (463.53 KB) 8. Kuaban, G. Suila, T. Czachórski, E. Gelenbe, S. Sharma, and P. Czekalski, "A Markov model for a Self-Powered Green IoT Device with State-Dependent Energy Consumption", Proceeding of the 2023 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES): IEEE, 2024. 9. Siavvas, M., D. Tsoukalas, C. Marantos, L. Papadopoulos, C. Lamprakos, O. Matei, C. Strydis, M. Ali Siddiqi, P. Chrobocinski, K. Filus, et al., "SDK4ED: a platform for building energy efficient, dependable, and maintainable embedded software", Automated Software Engineering, 2024. 10. Gelenbe, E., M. Nakip, and M. Siavvas, "System Wide Vulnerability and Trust in Multi-Component Communication System Software", IEEE Network, 2024. 11. Gelenbe, E., B. Can Gül, and M. Nakip, "DISFIDA: Distributed Self-Supervised Federated Intrusion Detection Algorithm with Online Learning for Health Internet of Things and Internet of Vehicles ", Internet of Things, vol. 28, 12/2024. 12. Kuaban, G. Suila, E. Gelenbe, T. Czachórski, P. Czekalski, and V. Nkemeni, "Energy Performance of Off-Grid Green Cellular Base Stations", Performance Evaluation, 2024. 13. Gelenbe, E., M. Nakip, and M. Siavvas, "System-wide vulnerability of multi-component software", Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 196, 10/2024. 2023 14. Gelenbe, E., and M. Nakip, "IoT Network Cybersecurity Assessment with the Associated Random Neural Network", IEEE Access, 2023. (966.17 KB) 15. Czachórski, T., E. Gelenbe, and G. Suila Kuaban, "Modelling energy changes in the energy harvesting battery of an IoT device", 30th International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2022) pp. 81-88, Nice, France, IEEE Xplore, 03/2023. (1.35 MB) 16. Gelenbe, E., and M. Nakip, "Real-Time Cyberattack Detection with Offline and Online Learning", IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, London, United Kingdom, IEEE, 2023. (1.09 MB) 17. Nasereddin, M., M. Nakip, and E. Gelenbe, "Measurement Based Evaluation and Mitigation of Flood Attacks on a LAN Test-Bed", The 48th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, IEEE, 2023. (861.42 KB) 18. Gelenbe, E., "Electricity Consumption by ICT: Facts, trends, and measurements", ACM Ubiquity, vol. 2023, issue August, 08/2023. (3.4 MB) 19. Kuaban, G. Suila, E. Gelenbe, T. Czachórski, P. Czekalski, and J. Kewir Tangka, "Modelling of the Energy Depletion Process and Battery Depletion Attacks for Battery-Powered Internet of Things (IoT) Devices", sensors, vol. 23, issue 6183, 07/2023. 20. Gelenbe, E., and M. Nasereddin, "Protecting IoT Servers Against Flood Attacks with the Quasi Deterministic Transmission Policy", The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), Exeter, UK, IEEE, 2023. (1.4 MB) 2022 21. Gelenbe, E., and M. Nakip, "G-Networks Can Detect Different Types of Cyberattacks", 2022 Mascots: 30th International Symposium on the Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Nice, France, IEEE, 2022. (1.51 MB) 22. Gelenbe, E., and K. Sigman, "IoT Traffic Shaping and the Massive Access Problem", ICC 2022, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 16–20 May 2022, Seoul, South Korea, Seoul, South Korea , IEEE Xplore, CC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022, pp. 2732-2737, 08/2022. 23. Bi, H., and E. Gelenbe, "Searching and Rescuing Victims in Emergency: A Comprehensive Survey", CECNet 2021: IOS Press, 2022. 24. Gelenbe, E., M. P. Nowak, P. Fröhlich, J. Fiolka, and J. Chęciński, "Energy, QoS and Security Aware Edge Services", International ISCIS Security Workshop: Springer, 2022. 25. Gelenbe, E., M. Jankovic, D. Kehagias, A. Marton, and A. Vilmos, "Security in Computer and Information Sciences: Second International Symposium", EuroCybersec 2021: Springer Nature, 2022. Strony123…następna ›ostatnia » Projektyiitis employee projects: 1. Projekt badawczo-innowacyjny DOSS: BEZPIECZNE DZIAŁANIE IOT Z KONTROLĄ ŁAŃCUCHA DOSTAW. (101120270 - DOSS, 2023 - 2026) 2. Secure and Safe Internet of Things (SerIoT) (SerIoT, 2018 - 2021) 3. Software Development toolKit for Energy optimization and technical Debt elimination (SDK4ED) (SDK4ED, 2018 - 2020) Redakcja 2021 1. Byrski, A., T. Czachórski, E. Gelenbe, K. Grochla, and Y. Murayama, "Computer Science Protecting Human Society Against Epidemics", ANTICOVID 2021, vol. 616, no. 616, Virtual Event, June 28–29, 2021, Springer, pp. 125, 2021. 2018 2. "Computer and Information Sciences - 32nd International Symposium, ISCIS 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 20-21, 2018, Proceedings", Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 935: Springer, 2018. 2016 3. Nowak, S., M. Nowak, K. Grochla, and P. Pecka, "Global Queue Pruning Method for Efficient Broadcast in Multihop Wireless Networks", Computer and Information Sciences: 31st International Symposium, ISCIS 2016, Kraków, Poland, October 27–28, 2016, Proceedings, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 214–224, 2016. 4. Abdelrahman, O. H., E. Gelenbe, G. Gorbil, and R. Lent, "Information Sciences and Systems 2015 30th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2015)", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 363: Springer, pp. 457, 2016.