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Saylam A, Kelesoglu N, Cikmazel ROrhan, Nakip M, Rodoplu V.  2021.  Dynamic Positioning Interval Based On Reciprocal Forecasting Error (DPI-RFE) Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Mobile IoT Indoor Positioning. International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS).  (364.76 KB)
Nakip M, Karakayali K, Güzeliş C, Rodoplu V.  2021.  An End-to-End Trainable Feature Selection-Forecasting Architecture Targeted at the Internet of Things. IEEE Access.  (4.36 MB)
Saylam A, Cikmazel ROrhan, Kelesoglu N, Nakip M, Rodoplu V.  2021.  Energy-Efficient Indoor Positioning for Mobile Internet of Things Based on Artificial Intelligence. ASYU2021 .  (1.79 MB)
Nakip M, Gelenbe E.  2021.  MIRAI Botnet Attack Detection with Auto-Associative Dense Random Neural Network. 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference.  (857.52 KB)
Çakan E, Şahin A, Nakip M, Rodoplu V.  2021.  Multi-Layer Perceptron Decomposition Architecture for Mobile IoT Indoor Positioning. 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things.  (262.85 KB)
Nakip M, Gelenbe E.  2021.  Randomization of Data Generation Times Improves Performance of Predictive IoT Networks. 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things.  (968.83 KB)
Nakip M, Güzeliş C, Yıldız O.  2021.  Recurrent Trend Predictive Neural Network for Multi-Sensor Fire Detection. IEEE Access. 9 (1.86 MB)
Nakip M, Asut A, Kocabıyık C, Güzeliş C.  2021.  A Smart Home Demand Response System based on Artificial Neural Networks Augmented with Constraint Satisfaction Heuristic. 13th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (ELECO).  (387.52 KB)
Nakip M, Helva A, Güzeliş C, Rodoplu V.  2021.  Subspace-Based Emulation of the Relationship Between Forecasting Error and Network Performance in Joint Forecasting-Scheduling for the Internet of Things. 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things.  (990.8 KB)
