
Found 39 results
Filters: Autor is Godlove Suila Kuaban  [Clear All Filters]
Kumar R, Soodan BSingh, Kuaban GSuila, Czekalski P, Sharma S.  2021.  Performance Analysis of a Cloud Computing System using Queuing Model with Correlated Task Reneging. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, presented in 5th International Scientific Conference on Information, Control, and Communication Technologies (ICCT-2021) 4-7 October 2021, Astrakhan, Russian Federation. 2091 (012003) (808.73 KB)
Kuaban GSuila, Atmaca T, Kamli A, Czachórski T, Czekalski P.  2021.  Performance Analysis of Packet Aggregation Mechanisms and Their Applications in Access (e.g., IoT, 4G/5G), Core, and Data Centre Networks. Sensors. 21(3898) (1.75 MB)
Atmaca T, Kamli A, Kuaban GSuila, Czachórski T.  2021.  Performance Evaluation of the Packet Aggregation Mechanism of an N-GREEN Metro Network Node. Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS) Workshop 2020.  (1.1 MB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban GSuila, Marek D.  2021.  Time-Dependent Performance of a Multi-Hop Software Defined Network. Applied Sciences. 11(2469) (1.25 MB)
Tokarz K, Czekalski P., Drabik G, Paduch J, Distefano S, Di Pietro R, Merlino G, Scaffidi C, Sell R, Kuaban GSuila.  2020.  Internet of Things Network Infrastructure for The Educational Purpose. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).  (6.74 MB)
Kuaban GSuila, Kumar R, Soodan BSingh, Czekalski P.  2020.  A Multi-Server Queuing Model With Balking and Correlated Reneging With Application in Health Care Management. IEEE Access. 8:169623–169639. (5.15 MB)
Kuaban GSuila, Soodan BSingh, Kumar R, Czekalski P.  2020.  Performance Evaluations of a Cloud Computing Physical Machine with Task Reneging and Task Resubmission (Feedback). Computer Networks 2020.  (870.45 KB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban GSuila, Marek D.  2020.  Time Dependent Diffusion Model for Security Driven Software Defined Networks. The Second International Workshop on Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of Technology (SMARTY 2020). 2792:pp.38-56. (2.29 MB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban GSuila, Marek D.  2020.  Transient Behaviour of a Network Router. 43th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing.  (712.6 KB)
Kuaban GSuila, Molua EL, Czekalski P, Grochla K.  2019.  An Architectural Framework Proposal for IoT Driven Agriculture. Computer Network 2019.
Czachórski T, Kuaban GSuila, Nycz T.  2019.  Multichannel Diffusion Approximation Models for the Evaluation of Multichannel Communication Networks. Distributed Computer and Communication Networks - 22nd International Conference, DCCN 2019, Moscow, Russia, September 23-27, 2019, Revised Selected Papers.
Kuaban GSuila, Anyam E, Czachórski T, Rataj A.  2018.  Performance of a buffer between electronic and all-optical networks, diffusion approximation model. 32nd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences In Conjunction with the IFIP World Congress 2018.  (250.54 KB)
Kuaban GSuila, Czachórski T, Rataj A.  2018.  A Queueing Model of the Edge Node in IP over All-Optical Networks. 25th International Conference on Computer Networks.
