Found 1562 results
Modeling Data Stream Intensity in Distributed Stream Processing System, Computer Networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume. :372–383.
2013. Modelling and controlling dynamics of Internet flows.. Proc. Intellectual systems of decision-making and problems of computational intelligence.
2013. Modelling transient states in queueing models of computer networks: a few practical issues. Proceedings of the International Conference Distributed Computer and Communication networks: Control, Computation, Communications. :27–28.
2013. Multi-photon Rabi model: Generalized parity and its applications. Phys. Lett. A. 377:3205-3208.
2013. New symmetry in the Rabi model. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46:265302. (525.41 KB)
2013. A novel model for risk assessment of adjacent buildings in tunneling environments. Building and Environment. 65:185–194.
2013. Parallel event-driven simulation of large networks in SMP Architecture. Proceedings. :44–46.
2013. Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma game on hypergraph networks. Physica A. 392:910–917.
2013. Queueing models: transient state analysis applied to performance evaluation of computer networks.. Abstracts 9th International ISAAC Congress. :5–6.
2013. .
2013. Reconstruction of head surface model from single scan. Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on computer Recognition Systems CORES 2013. :469–478.
2013. Relation Between Purity of an Open Qubit Dynamics and Its Initial Correlation with an Environment. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 52:1148–1159.
2013. Searching for quantum circuits preparing maximally multipartite entangled states. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 25:139–156.
2013. Simulating lesions in multi-layer, multi-columnar model of neocortex. Proceedings. :835–838.
2013. Template library for Multi-GPU pseudorandom number recursion-based generators. Proceedings of the 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. :515–519.
2013. Total volume distribution for multiserver queueing systems with random capacity demands.. Computer Networks. :394–405.
2013. Transient queueing models applied to performance evaluation of computer networks.. Proc. Third International Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS) on Mathematical, Computational and Integrative Sciences.
2013. Translation of probabilistic games in J2TADD. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 25
2013. The use of a Cloud Computing and the CUDA architecture in zero-latency Data Warehouses Computer Networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science. :312–322.
2013. Use of grammars and machine learning in ETL systems that control load balancing process. 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications. HPCC 2013. :1709–1714.
2013. Using RANSAC for 3D point cloud segmentation. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 25:105–117.
2013. Adapting the RANSAC algorithm to detect 2-nd-degree manifolds in 2D and 3D.. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 24:151–158.
2012. Analiza D-stabilności protokołu TCP-DCR.. Studia Informatica. 33:7–18.
2012. Aplikacje sieci świadomej treści. Przegląd telekomunikacyjny. :1491–1502.
2012. Applications and Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing. Advances in Parallel Computing. 22