Internet in the Information Society Computer Systems Architecture and Security

TytułInternet in the Information Society Computer Systems Architecture and Security
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Rok publikacji2013
AutorzyDomański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T
EditorPikiewicz P, Rostański M.
ChapterActive queues management algorithms, an analysis with the use of fluid flow approximation in CUDA en
PublisherAcademy od Business in Dabrowa Gornicza
City41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza Cieplaka Str. 1c
ISBN Number978-83-62897-40-7
AbstractIn the article we study a model of the TCP connection with Active Queue Management in the intermediate bottleneck IP router. The fluid flow approximation technique is used to model the interactions between the set of TCP flows and AQM algorithms. The numerical part of the model is run in CUDA environment.

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