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A Study of IP Router Queues with the Use of Markov Models. Communications in Computer Information Science. 608:294-305.
2016. The use of a non-integer order PI controller with an active queue management mechanism. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 26(4):777-789.
2016. An analysis of the extracted parts of Opte Internet topology.. Computer Networks. :371–381.
2015. .
2015. Estimating the intensity of long-range dependence in real and synthetic traffic traces.. Computer Networks. :11–22.
2015. A few investigations of long-range dependence in network traffic. Information Science and Systems 2014. :137–144.
2014. A few investigations of long-range dependence in network traffic. Information Science and Systems 2014. :137–144.
2014. Flluid flow approximation of time-limited TCP/UDP/XCP streams.. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences. 62:217–225.
2014. Implementation of registration algorithms for multiple views. Man-Machine Interacions 3. :315–323.
2014. A model of boot-up storm dynamics. Computer and Information Sciences III. :371–379.
2014. Modeling Packet Traffic with the Use of Superpositions of Two-State MMPPs. Computer Networks. :24–36.
2014. Modelling Transient States in Queueing Models of Computer Networks: A Few Practical Issues. Distributed Computer and Communication Networks. :58–72.
2014. A Numerical Comparison of Diffusion and Fluid-Flow Approximations Used in Modelling Transient States of TCP/IP Networks.. Computer Networks. :213–222.
2014. .
2014. Traffic Engineering: Erlang and Engset Models Revisited with Diffusion Approximation. Information Sciences and Systems 2014. :249–256.
2014. Traffic Engineering: Erlang and Engset Models Revisited with Diffusion Approximation. Information Sciences and Systems 2014. :249–256.
2014. Visualization of heterogenic images of 3D scene. Man-Machine Interacions 3. :291–297.
2014. Analytical and numerical means to model transient states in computer networks. Computer Networks. :426–435.
2013. Comparison of CHOKe and gCHOKe active queues managemant algirithms with the use of fluid flow approximation.. Computer Networks. :363–371.
2013. Fluid Flow Analysis of RED Algorithm with Modified Weighted Moving Average. Modern Probabilistic Methods for analysis of Telecommunication Networks. :50–58.
2013. GCU-Accelerated fluid flow approximation of the Active Queues Management algorithms. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 25:93–104.
2013. .
2013. Modelling and controlling dynamics of Internet flows.. Proc. Intellectual systems of decision-making and problems of computational intelligence.
2013. Modelling transient states in queueing models of computer networks: a few practical issues. Proceedings of the International Conference Distributed Computer and Communication networks: Control, Computation, Communications. :27–28.
2013. Queueing models: transient state analysis applied to performance evaluation of computer networks.. Abstracts 9th International ISAAC Congress. :5–6.