Found 1562 results
Unconditional Security of a K-State Quantum Key Distribution Protocol. Quantum Information Processing. 17:228.
2018. Unified approach to geometric and positive-map-based non-linear entanglement identifiers. Phys. Rev. A . 97:042339.
2018. Vertices cannot be hidden from quantum spatial search for almost all random graphs. Quantum Information Processing. 17:81.
2018. The Accuracy of a Scene Geometry Based on the Terrestrial Laser Scanner Measurements. Man-Machine Interactions 5. 1:408-417.
2017. Amplifying the randomness of weak sources correlated with devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 63(11)
2017. Application of Fault-Tolerant GQP Algorithm in Multihop AMI Networks. Computer Networks. CN 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 718. :70-80.
2017. Characterizing time series of near-miss accidents in metro construction via complex network theory. Safety Science. 98:145-158.
2017. Contract Design for Traffic Offloading and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 35:2457-2467.
2017. Data Transaction Modeling in Mobile Networks: Contract Mechanism and Performance Analysis. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference.
2017. The Deep Learning Random Neural Network with a Management Cluster. 9th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2017).
2017. Deep Learning with Dense Random Neural Networks. International Conference on Man–Machine Interactions.
2017. Dynamics of the quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model: Excitations and correlations induced by a quench. Phys. Rev. B. 95:104306. (902.74 KB)
2017. Entanglement of 0 p-, 1 s 0 d-and 1 p 0 f-shell nucleon pairs. International Journal of Modern Physics E. 26(05)
2017. Evaluation of the Quality of Photogrammetric Techniques for Site Reconstruction.. Studia Informatica. 38(4(133))
2017. G-networks with Adders. Future Internet. 9(3):1-7.
2017. Hidden Markov Models in Long Range Dependence Traffic Modelling. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 700:75-86.
2017. Identifying Critical Factors Influencing the Rents of Public Rental Housing Delivery by PPPs: The Case of Nanjing. Sustainability. 9(3):1-22.
2017. An improved Dempster–Shafer approach to construction safety risk perception. Knowledge-Based Systems. 132:30-46.
2017. Influence of message-oriented middleware on performance of network management system: a modelling study.. Multimedia and Network Information Systems. . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 506:379-393.
2017. Intelligent search with deep learning clusters. Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2017.
2017. Load Balancing and Processing Data From Internet of Things Smart Devices. Studia Informatica. 38:5-18.
2017. A Market Equilibrium Supply Chain Model for Supporting Self-Manufacturing or Outsourcin Decisions in Prefabricated Construction. Sustainability . 9(11):1-18.
2017. Model zmienności przepływności bitowej transmisji w sieciach LTE oparty o łańcuchy Markowa. Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki .
2017. Multi-layer neural networks for quality of service oriented server-state classification in cloud servers. 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017), Anchorage, United States, May 14-19 2017.. 2017:1623-1627.
2017. Optimization strategies to eliminate interface conflicts in complex study chains of construction projects. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 23(6):712-726.