
Found 1562 results
Gorawski M, Grochla K.  2020.  Performance Tests of Smart City IoT Data Repositories for Universal Linear Infrastructure Data and Graph Databases. SN Computer Science. 1:31.
Kukulski R, Lewandowska P, Pawela Ł.  2020.  Perturbation of the numerical range of unitary matrices. Computational Science - ICCS 2020.
Tabi Z, El-Safty KH, Kallus Z, Hága P, Kozsik T, Glos A, Zimborás Z.  2020.  Quantum Optimization for the Graph Coloring Problem with Space-Efficient Embedding. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE). :56-62.
Serrano W, Gelenbe E, Yin Y.  2020.  The Random Neural Network with Deep Learning Clusters in Smart Search. Neurocomputing. 396 (2.52 MB)
Masarczyk W, Tautkute I.  2020.  Reducing Catastrophic Forgetting With Learning on Synthetic Data. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops.  (1.09 MB)
Nikodem M, Surmacz T, Słabicki M, Hofman D, Klimkowski P, Dołęga C.  2020.  Robust Radio Communication Protocol for Traffic Analysis Application. International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems.
Gelenbe E, Domańska J, Fröhlich P, Nowak M, Nowak S.  2020.  Self-Aware Networks that Optimize Security, QoS and Energy. Proceedings of the IEEE. 108(7) (5.07 MB)
Domański A, Domańska J, Filus K, Szyguła J, Czachórski T.  2020.  The self-similar markovian sources. Applied Sciences. 10(11)
Gelenbe E, Zhang Y.  2020.  Sharing Energy for Optimal Edge Performance. SOFSEM 2020: Theory and Practice of Computer Science.  (342.1 KB)
Luchowski L, Tomaka A A, Pojda D, Tarnawski M, Skabek K, Kowalski P.  2020.  Skanery3D - trójwymiarowe obrazowanie powierzchni. Inżynieria Biomedyczna - podstawy i zastosowania; Tom 8 - Obrazowanie Biomedyczne.
Fröhlich P, Gelenbe E, Nowak M.  2020.  Smart SDN Management of Fog Services. Global IoT Summit (GIOTS) 2020.  (256.06 KB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Marek D.  2020.  Software Defined Network Dynamics via Diffusions. 28th International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, MASCOTS 2020, revised delected papers. 12527 (447.84 KB)
Babiarz A, Czornik A, Klamka J.  2020.  On Stabilizability of Discrete Time Systems with Delay in Control. Intelligent Information and Database Systems.  (176.61 KB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban GSuila, Marek D.  2020.  Time Dependent Diffusion Model for Security Driven Software Defined Networks. The Second International Workshop on Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of Technology (SMARTY 2020). 2792:pp.38-56. (2.29 MB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban G, Marek D.  2020.  Time Dependent Diffusion Model for Security Driven Software Defined Networks. Second International Workshop on Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of Technology (SMARTY 2020). 2792:38-56. (2.06 MB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban GSuila, Marek D.  2020.  Transient Behaviour of a Network Router. 43th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing.  (712.6 KB)
Kempa WM, Książek K.  2020.  On transient queue-size distribution in a finite-buffer model with threshold waking and early setup policy. Performance Evaluation. 140-141
Czapla D, Horbacz K, Wojewódka-Ściążko H.  2020.  A useful version of the central limit theorem for a general class of Markov chains. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 484(5)
