Found 211 results
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Packet Loss Analysis in Optical Packet-Switched Networks with Limited Deflection Routing. Photonic Network Communications.
2006. Some contributions to the modelling the dynamics of (TCP,UDP)/RED flows over reliable and unreliable connections. Proceedings from HET-NETs 2006.
2006. TCP/IP dynamics in wireless environment, a fluid-flow model. Third Workshop on Wireless and Mobility.
2006. A diffusion approximation model of an electronic-optical node. LNCS, Formal Techniques for Computer Systems and Bisiness Proesses. :187–199.
2005. Forming optical packets, a diffusion approximation and simulation models. Proc. Second EuoNGI Workshop on New Methods in Modelling, Quantitative Methods and Measurements, Aveiro, Porugal, November 24-25, 2005.
2005. Forming optical packets, a diffusion approximation model. Proc. of 12th Polish Teletraffic Symposium PSRT2005, Poznan, 20-21 September 2005..
2005. The influence of traffic self-similarity on QoS Mechanisms. Proceedings of SAINT 2005 Workshops, 31 January – 4 February 2005, Trento, Italy. :300–303.
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2005. A novel diffusion process with jumps to study an electronic-optical edge router. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej I Stosowanej. 17:87–100.
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2005. OPUS Software for Performance Evaluation of Optical Packet-Switched Networks. XII Konferencja Sieci Komputerowe.
2005. Preliminary results of packet loss analysis in optical packet-switched networks with limited deflection routing. Proc. of SAINT 2005 Workshops, 31 January - 4 February 2005, Trento, Italy. :296–299.
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2005. Diffusion Approximation as a modelling tool in congestion control and performance evaluation, tutorial. Proc. of HET-NETs '04, Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogenous Networks.
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