Mitigating the Massive Access Problem in the Internet of Things

TytułMitigating the Massive Access Problem in the Internet of Things
Publication TypeConference Paper
Rok publikacji2022
AutorzyGelenbe E, Nakip M, Marek D, Czachórski T
Conference Name EuroCybersec
Conference LocationNice, France
Słowa kluczoweDiffusion Approximation, Internet of Things (IoT), IoT Gateways, Massive Access Problem, Quasi-Deterministic Transmission Policy, Trace driven simulations

The traffic from the large number of IoT devices connected to the IoT is a source of congestion known as the Massive Access Problem (MAP), that results in packet losses, delays and missed deadlines for realtime data. This paper reviews the literature on MAP and summarizes recent results on two approaches that have been designed to mitigate MAP. One approach is based on randomizing the packet arrival instants to IoT gateways within a given time interval that is chosen so that packet arrivals do not exceed their deadlines, but also so that they do not constitute bulk arrivals. The second approach is a novel traffic shaping policy named the Quasi-Deterministic-Transmission-Policy (QDTP) which has been proved to drastically reduce queue formation at the receiving gateway by delaying packet departures from the IoT devices in a judicious manner. Both analytical and experimental results are summarized, that describe the benefits of these techniques.


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