dr Kamil Książek Email: Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0201-6220Stanowisko: adiunkt Horizontal TabsPublikacje(aktywna karta)ProjektyPublikacje Biblio RSS Submitted 1. Książek, K., and P. Spurek, HyperMask: Adaptive Hypernetwork-based Masks for Continual Learning: arXiv, 09/2023, Submitted. 2024 2. Książek, K., "Assessment of symptom severity in psychotic disorder patients based on heart rate variability and accelerometer mobility data", Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 176, 05/2024. 2023 3. Wójcik, B., M. Żarski, K. Książek, J. Miszczak, and M. J. Skibniewski, "A deep learning method for hard-hat-wearing detection based on head center localization", Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences, vol. 71 (EA), issue 6, 10/2023. 4. Buza, K., K. Książek, W. Masarczyk, P. Głomb, P. Gorczyca, and M. Piegza, "A Simple and Effective Classifier for the Detection of Psychotic Disorders based on Heart Rate Variability Time Series", Information Technologies – Applications and Theory 2023, vol. 3498, Tatranské Matliare, Knižnicné a edicné centrum, Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, Univerzita Komenského, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava, 09/2023. 5. Książek, K., W. Masarczyk, P. Głomb, M. Romaszewski, I. Stokłosa, P. Ścisło, P. Dębski, R. Pudlo, P. Gorczyca, and M. Piegza, HRV-ACC: a dataset with R-R intervals and accelerometer data for the diagnosis of psychotic disorders using a Polar H10 wearable sensor, 2023. 6. Książek, K., W. Masarczyk, P. Głomb, M. Romaszewski, I. Stokłosa, P. Ścisło, P. Dębski, R. Pudlo, K. Buza, P. Gorczyca, et al., "The analysis of heart rate variability and accelerometer mobility data in the assessment of symptom severity in psychotic disorder patients using a wearable Polar H10 sensor", medXriv, 08/2023. 2022 7. Książek, K., P. Głomb, M. Romaszewski, M. Cholewa, B. Grabowski, and K. Buza, "Improving Autoencoder Training Performance for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Network Reinitialisation", 21st International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, vol. 13231, Lecce, Italy, Springer, Cham, 05/2022. 8. Grabowski, B., P. Głomb, K. Książek, and K. Buza, " Improving Autoencoders Performance for Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Clustering", Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, vol. 1716, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Springer, 11/2022. 9. Grochla, K., A. Strzoda, R. Marjasz, P. Głomb, K. Książek, and Z. Łaskarzewski, "Energy-Aware Algorithm for Assignment of Relays in LPWAN", Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 18, issue 4, 11/2022. 2021 10. Książek, K., and K. Buza, "A hybrid CNN-SVM approach with dynamic time warping for time series classification", 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics, Târgu Mureș, Romania, 09/2021. 11. Żarski, M., B. Wójcik, K. Książek, M. Salamak, and J. Miszczak, "Advances in applicable deep-learning based defect detection", 2nd Workshop on Engineering Optimization – WEO 2021, Warsaw, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021. (377.77 KB) 12. Kempa, W. M., K. Książek, and R. Marjasz, "On Time-Dependent Queue-Size Distribution in a Model With Finite Buffer Capacity and Deterministic Multiple Vacations With Applications to LTE DRX Mechanism Modeling", IEEE Access, vol. 9, 10/2021. 13. Żarski, M., B. Wójcik, K. Książek, and J. Miszczak, "Finicky transfer learning—A method of pruning convolutional neural networks for cracks classification on edge devices", Computer-Aided Civil And Infrastructure Engineering, vol. 37, issue 4, 03/2022, 2021. 14. Książek, K., and K. Grochla, "Flexibility Analysis of Adaptive Data Rate Algorithm in LoRa Networks", IEEE IWCMC 2021 - 17th Int. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference, Harbin, China, IEEE, 2021. 15. Pałka, F., W. Książek, P. Plawiak, M. Romaszewski, and K. Książek, "Hyperspectral Classification of Blood-Like Substances Using Machine Learning Methods Combined with Genetic Algorithms in Transductive and Inductive Scenarios", Sensors, vol. 21, 03/2021. 2020 16. Książek, K., M. Romaszewski, P. Głomb, B. Grabowski, and M. Cholewa, "Blood Stain Classification with Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Neural Networks", Sensors, vol. 20, issue Recent Advances in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Analysis, 11/2020. 17. Kempa, W. M., and K. Książek, "On transient queue-size distribution in a finite-buffer model with threshold waking and early setup policy", Performance Evaluation, vol. 140-141, 06/2020. 2019 18. Książek, K., and K. Grochla, "Aggregation of GPS, WLAN, and BLE Localization Measurements for Mobile Devices in Simulated Environments", Sensors, vol. 19, 04/2019. Projektyiitis employee projects: 1. Ekosystem Intelligence Augmentation dla analityków sieci dystrybucji wody (POIR.01.01.01-00-1414/20, 2021 - 2023) 2. Dynamiczne środowisko komunikacji bezprzewodowej dla infrastruktury internetu rzeczy inteligentnych miast – Smart City IoT (POIR.04.01.04-00-00005/17, 2018 - 2021)