

assistant professor
Research groups




+48 32 2317319 w.201


Image and time series processing, machine learning, large language models.


Horizontal Tabs



1. Romaszewski, M., and P. Sekuła, "Poster: Explainable classification of multimodal time series using LLMs", 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI 2024), Warsaw, Poland, 04/2024.



11. Książek, K., P. Głomb, M. Romaszewski, M. Cholewa, B. Grabowski, and K. Buza, "Improving Autoencoder Training Performance for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Network Reinitialisation", 21st International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, vol. 13231, Lecce, Italy, Springer, Cham, 05/2022.



17. Książek, K., M. Romaszewski, P. Głomb, B. Grabowski, and M. Cholewa, "Blood Stain Classification with Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Neural Networks", Sensors, vol. 20, issue Recent Advances in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Analysis, 11/2020.
18. Głomb, P., and M. Romaszewski, "Anomaly detection in hyperspectral remote sensing images", Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: Theory & Applications: Elsevier, 2020.


19. Cholewa, M., P. Głomb, and M. Romaszewski, "A Spatial-Spectral Disagreement-Based Sample Selection With an Application to Hyperspectral Data Classification", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 16, pp. 467-471, March, 2019.
20. Grabowski, B., P. Głomb, M. Romaszewski, and M. Ostaszewski, "Unsupervised deep learning approach to hyperspectral anomaly detection", PP-RAI'2019, Wrocław, Poland, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 2019.
21. Głomb, P., K. Domino, M. Romaszewski, and M. Cholewa, "Band selection with Higher Order Multivariate Cumulants for small target detection in hyperspectral images", PP-RAI'2019, Wrocław, Poland, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, pp. p. 121, 2019.


22. Romaszewski, M., A. Sochan, and K. Skabek, "Matrix and Tensor-Based Approximation of 3D Face Animations from Low-Cost Range Sensors", Computer and Information Sciences, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
23. Romaszewski, M., P. Głomb, and M. Cholewa, "Adaptive, Hubness-Aware Nearest Neighbour Classifier with Application to Hyperspectral Data", Computer and Information Sciences: Springer International Publishing, 2018.


25. Romaszewski, M., P. Głomb, and M. Cholewa, "Semi-supervised hyperspectral classification from a small number of training samples using a co-training approach", ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 121, pp. 60 - 76, 2016.


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 05/07/2024 - 09:03; autor zmian: Michał Romaszewski (