Found 1554 results
Nano and quantum technologies and systems of informatics. AI-METH 2002, Artificial Inteligence Methods.
2002. The nanosystems structures of manufacturing. IEEE-Nano 2002. :381–384.
2002. .
2002. Network Simulation of the Post-translational Modifications in Organic Nanostructures. STUDIA INFORMATICA. 23:23–34.
2002. A new method of the analysis of comet assay images. Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems. :275–280.
2002. Niektóre rozwiązania w dziedzinie nanoinformatyki na przykładzie systemów biologicznych. Studia informatica. 23:13–22.
2002. Parallel Nano-modeling of Ribosomal Translation Processes. Proceedings of the ICSEE '2002, 2002 Western MultiConference, ISBN: 1-56555-243-1. :111–116.
2002. Performance evaluation of multistage interconnection networks with blocking - discrete and continuous time Markov model. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 14
2002. Performance of a mixed deflection and convergence routing algorithm. Proc. of 2nd Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium PGTS, Gdansk, 22-25 September 2002.
2002. A Petri Net Based Model for Control of Complex Manufacturing Operation Systems. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation, Cambridge, Mass., USA. :381–388.
2002. A Petri Net Based Model of Discrete Production Operations. Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Symposium on Robotics and Automation, Toluca, Mexico. :646–653.
2002. Produkcyjne Sieci Petriego. Materiały XIV Krajowej Konferencji Automatyki, Zielona Góra. :735–742.
2002. Quantum algorithm for factorization. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 14
2002. Quantum search algorithm. Studia Informatica. 23:95–104.
2002. Random walk approach to the problem of impulse noise reduction. Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems. :337–342.
2002. Relations between ATM traffic parameters and quality of multimedia transmission - an experimental approach. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology. 2
2002. Rough Set Rudiments. Bulletin of International Rough Set Society. 6:27–31.
2002. .
2002. Rough sets, decision algorithms and Bayes theorem. Euro. J. Oper. Res.. :181–189.
2002. Self-adaptive algorithm of impulsive noise reduction in color images. Pattern Recognition. :1771–1784.
2002. Simulation of Post-translational Conformations in the Ribosomal Polypeptide Synthesis. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference MODELLING AND SIMULATION, ISBN: 0-88986-328-8. :97–102.
2002. Soft Computing and Distributed Processing. Decision Tables and Decision Spaces. :7–11.
2002. Superkomputery japońskie.
2002. Symulacja komputerów kwantowych. Studia Informatica. 23:105–112.