Mobility robustness in LTE based on automatic neighbor relation table.

TitleMobility robustness in LTE based on automatic neighbor relation table.
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsPołys K, Grochla K
EditorGaj P
Conference NameComputer Networks
PublisherSpringer International Publishing Switzerland
AbstractWe evaluate the effect of automatic updates to the LTE Neighbor Relation Table (NRT) to optimize the efficiency of handovers in the network. We propose an algorithm which monitors the handovers within the LTE network and detects events when the procedure was started to early (handover to early) or too late (handover too late). Basing on the observed statistics in Operation and Maintenance server (OAM) the proposed algorithm updates the NRT to maximize the network throughput and minimize the probability of loss of connectivity. Performed simulations show that correctly forbidden handovers can reduce number of unnecessary signaling, reduce risk of fail during handover and reduce the time required to perform the handovers.

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