Comparative Analysis of Energy Consumption in Simulated LoRa Water Meter Reconfiguration vs. Real-world Readings

TitleComparative Analysis of Energy Consumption in Simulated LoRa Water Meter Reconfiguration vs. Real-world Readings
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsGorawski M, Marjasz R, Grochla K, Frankiewicz A
Conference NameIFIP Networking
Date Published08/2024
Conference LocationThessaloniki

Detecting water leaks in distribution networks is crucial for conserving resources and preventing infrastructure damage. However, one of the most basic and significant challenges before employing any leak detection method is collecting data from the water distribution network. The sensors used for data collection are usually battery-powered; thus, the energy consumption of these devices is an essential factor. In this paper, we analyze the battery consumption of real devices placed in an operational water distribution network, and based on the obtained data, we perform a series of complex simulations to validate the preliminary assumptions we plan to use in further research of leak detection methods.


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